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Hefty Seed Company

(866) 769-7200

Company/Brand Hefty
Product H6145 TRERIB
Technology Trecepta®
Maturity 111
% In Top 30: 61%
Trials Count: 75

Product yields shown when in the Top 30 products in the test. Locations shown are not the exact locations of FIRST program sites. They are georeferenced to the town name associated with the site. © Information presented on this page about products tested in FIRST trials cannot be reproduced, extracted, downloaded or used without express written consent of FIRST.

Previous Crop
Soil Texture
Plant Date
Harvest Date
Yield (bpa)
Gross Income Rank
Yield Advantage
Elgin, NE2022NENEpdfCornconventional w/o fall tillloam Apr 25, 2022 Oct 13, 2022290.6122.2
Beatrice, NE2023NESEpdfSoybeansno-tillsilty clay loam May 7, 2023 Nov 4, 2023144.3221.1
Union, NE2021NESEpdfSoybeansno-tillsilt loam May 3, 2021 Nov 22, 2021185.2314.2
Scribner, NE2023NENEpdfSoybeansno-tillsilty clay loam May 1, 2023 Oct 22, 2023253.9413.8
Beatrice, NE2021NESEpdfSoybeansno-tillsilty clay loam May 28, 2021 Nov 16, 2021148.949.6
Effingham, IL2021ILSOpdfSoybeansconventional w/ fall tillsilt loam May 8, 2021 Oct 9, 2021279.9414.6
Scribner, NE2021NENEpdfSoybeansno-tillsilty clay loam May 4, 2021 Oct 22, 2021307.2416.5
Douglas, NE2021NESEpdfSoybeansconventional w/ fall tillsilt loam Apr 29, 2021 Sep 29, 2021247.8528.2
Hartington, NE2021NENEpdfSoybeansconventional w/o fall tillsilty clay loam May 3, 2021 Oct 23, 2021303.5515.9
Slater, IA2021IAWCpdfSoybeansno-tillloam Apr 29, 2021 Nov 3, 2021241.9516.1
Elgin, NE2023NENEpdfSoybeansno-tillloam May 11, 2023 Oct 24, 2023276.7613.3
Du Bois, NE2023NESEpdfSoybeansno-tillsilty clay loam Apr 26, 2023 Nov 1, 2023202.179.8
Ventura, IA2022IANCpdfSoybeansstrip-tillclay loam May 14, 2022 Oct 21, 2022256.1727.3
Forsyth, IL2021ILECpdfSoybeansconventional w/ fall tillsilt loam Apr 27, 2021 Sep 28, 2021275.9715.6
Greene, IA2023IANCpdfSoybeansconventional w/o fall tillloam May 2, 2023 Oct 3, 2023194.3814.2
Kutztown, PA2023PASEpdfpumpkinno-tillsilt loam May 22, 2023 Nov 30, 2023292.6812.0
Dunlap, IA2021IAWCpdfcorn, 2+ yrconventional w/o fall tillsilt loam May 13, 2021 Nov 9, 2021288.4817.7
Flora, IL2021ILSOpdfSoybeansconventional w/o fall tillsilt loam May 14, 2021 Oct 1, 2021256.4814.1
Emmetsburg, IA2022IANWpdfSoybeansconventional w/ fall tillclay loam Apr 27, 2022 Oct 8, 2022313.51021.0
Hull, IA2022IANWpdfSoybeansconventional w/o fall tillsilty clay loam May 7, 2022 Oct 15, 2022241.01011.9